
Bad Hair Day? Feeling Fragile?

by | Mar 20, 2022 | Articles

Bad Hair Day? Feeling Fragile?

What is the difference between a good hair day and a bad hair day? Perhaps you find yourself thinking I’m on it today, my hair looks great I feel great or maybe you’re thinking my hairs lanky, a bit greasy and I’m just not feeling up to it today. Menopausal hormone changes can contribute to thinning of the hair and this can lead us to feel a little fragile.

But how can we overcome these kinds of feelings? What can we do that will also help us to deal with the psychological effects of the shifting physical changes encountered around menopause that we really have little power over?

Silence your inner critic

We’re always our own worst critic and usually other people just don’t notice the things that we’re noticing, bad hair or good hair days. We are usually the only person that notices these sorts of things and that’s driven from that little inner voice. We may not be aware that this voice is chatting away all day long providing an internal dialogue.

This ‘conversation’ has the power to leave us feeling good about ourselves but most times it’s not giving us positive feedback, more likely sniping and undermining our confidence. The good news is we can work with the inner voice, helping you to learn to silence it, to realise that just because it’s spouting some information, you don’t have to listen to it. We can all learn to throw those thoughts away; those thoughts aren’t even true, or are they?

But could it be true?

There is a risk that we could act on these thoughts, maybe we look in the mirror one day and we think oh my goodness what is going on? That’s it I’m not going out tonight because I feel terrible. That is us acting on, believing, and deciding that that this thought was a truth. But it’s only really coming from our own little inner critic, nobody else is bothered, they’re not looking at us judging in the same way that we judge ourselves.

Clinical Hypnotherapist Jacquie Whur tells me “It is possible for us to learn listen to this little inner voice; we can then decide whether it’s speaking a truth or whether this thought is something that we can just throw away.” Learning to filter out thoughts from our inner critic, understanding your inner voice and learning to change that inner voice so that it becomes kind rather than serving up constant criticism.

Practice makes for improvement

This is a skill worth practicing and will allow you to embrace each day feeling your absolute best.

Contact Jacquie Whur 

Pilates for Menopause for Massage Therapists and Manual Therapists  - NAT Diploma Course with Precizion 10 CEUs

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