
Moving through Menopause

Is Menopause; a cause for celebration or is it a catastrophe? Did you know there are 34 known symptoms of menopause? I didn’t!

I created this podcast to support and empower all women to be the masters of our destinies as we navigate the menopause transition together.

Join me and my generous guests as we chat about all the things we can do to help ourselves. All the things I wish I’d known sooner and some new nuggets of information. Be prepared and embrace ‘the change’ of life!

listen to Moving Through Menopause

Supporting the Brain through Menopause

Supporting the Brain through Menopause

Did you know that hormonal fluctuations can impact the brain and cognition or how we think? Challenges like brain fog, memory issues and fatigue can be overwhelming. The good news is there are lots of things you can do to feel confident and empowered at any age. Learn the tools and techniques to thrive…

The Ultimate Guide to Female Hair Loss

The Ultimate Guide to Female Hair Loss

Menopause triggers a torrent of hormonal changes in a woman’s body, impacting various functions, including hair growth. Dr Bauman explains that nearly 50 per cent of his patients are women. It is important to understand the underlying causes of hair thinning and loss…

Biohacking Menopause

Biohacking Menopause

Menopause is a significant life transition that can bring about a myriad of changes and challenges for women. In a world where traditional medical approaches may fall short, exploring alternative methods such as biohacking can offer new perspectives on managing menopausal symptoms and optimising health.

Are you a Sugar Addict

Are you a Sugar Addict

The falling levels of our female hormones; oestrogen and progesterone can affect our blood sugar levels. Blood sugar imbalances can affect how we feel; contributing to food cravings, fatigue, mood disruption and sleep disturbance. If you are experiencing these symptoms read on to learn more about sugar.

Eat Right to Stay Strong

Eat Right to Stay Strong

What happens to Women as we age is that we are losing muscle mass and strength year on year. Losing muscle mass and strength affects our ability to function. So what can we do to halt the decline and build muscle? Read on to learn how to eat right and exercise to stay strong for the rest of your life.

Chronic Stress and Hormones; Finding Balance

Chronic Stress and Hormones; Finding Balance

Chronic stress takes a toll on our bodies and can wreak havoc on our hormones. In this Podcast, Dr Sara Poldmae and I uncover the top three things women should be doing if they are struggling with chronic stress and hormonal disturbances around menopause.

Menopause and Anxiety: Cultivating Calm

Menopause and Anxiety: Cultivating Calm

In this podcast episode, I learn more about anxiety management during menopause with anxiety warrior Heather Lillico. We explore the importance of diet, meditation, and yoga as a three-pillar approach to shift the mindset and manage anxiety.

Ditch the Diet

Ditch the Diet

In our search for health, many of us have fallen victim to the constant cycle of dieting, only to find ourselves back at square one. But what if there was a different approach to achieving a healthy body and maintaining it for the long term? Join me and Joe Hoye as we unpick Menopause, Muscle and Metabolism.

Navigating Perimenopause with Ayurveda

Navigating Perimenopause with Ayurveda

In this episode East meets West as I explore Ayurvedic medicine with Dr Shivani Gupta. Dr Shivani underlines the crucial roles of detoxification routines, sleep, spices and lifestyle habits that help us manage inflammation and enhance our health at perimenopause and beyond.

Beat the Winter Blues

Beat the Winter Blues

Don’t let the Winter blues get you down! In this Podcast conversation, me and Registered Nutritionist Alison Bladh share tips to beat the winter blues using food, movement, essential oils, breathing techniques and much more. Read on to wave goodbye to those winter blues and say hello to a healthier, happier you!

Unlocking the Secrets of Holistic Menopause Relief

Unlocking the Secrets of Holistic Menopause Relief

Menopause and Holistic Care: Embracing the Change Do you want to wave goodbye to troublesome Menopause symptoms? Hot flashes, mood swings, and more? Then join me and my guest Amita Sharma. to discover the holistic solutions that can transform your experience.

A Menu for Menopause

A Menu for Menopause

Dr Susan Baumgaertel and I celebrate the launch of her new book, “The Menopause Menu.” is an experiential guide to Menopause that weaves scientific knowledge, complementary approaches, and delicious recipes to help women navigate the complexities of menopause. I Highly recommend her book.

Join Precizion

One-on-one consultations and online group classes each week including Pilates, Hatha Yoga, Mindful Movement and Meditation, all designed with the menopause in mind.

join menopause pilates yoga class
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