Stressed? It’ not new news that stress can cause health problems and have an impact on your emotions and mood. How do we know we are stressed and what mindfulness strategies can we integrate into our lives to combat this silent killer. Mindfulness can help!! Join me and Sune as we share our suggestions for stress management using mindfulness strategies.
Mindfulness techniques include developing our intention to grow our awareness, something we return to again and again. Next pay attention to what is occurring in the present moment; observing thoughts, feelings, sensations as they arise and finally be kind to yourself. Non-judging is a difficult skill to master, but it is just that, a skill, and as we know ‘practice makes for improvement!’ So be curious, notice themes, and ask yourself would you say the things you say to yourself to your friend? If the answer is no, then we can work to reframe our thoughts which in turn will generate a shift in our biology and thus our experiences of stressful situations.
Mindful Movement is a specialty of mine and my Thursday morning session is a welcome interlude in any week. Join me for your free taster session
Disclaimer: any advice we provide in this podcast is for information only, and if you are unsure of its suitability for your specific circumstances, you should consult your medical practitioner before making any lifestyle changes.