
Palpitations: A Cause for Concern?

by | Nov 25, 2022 | Moving Through Menopause Podcast, Podcasts

In this episode we explore the topic of palpitations and heart health for women around menopause, what is happening, when to be worried, and how we can best take care of ourselves if no fault is found.

Palpitations are common around Menopause

If your heart is beating ‘ten to the dozen’ or ‘missing a beat’ every now and again it could be just another symptom of the menopause. All three of us in this episode have experienced this unpleasant and sometimes worrying symptom for ourselves and since many menopause symptom checklists include palpitations (e.g. rapid, irregular, and/or exaggerated heartbeats) this should not come as a surprise. Research suggests palpitations are relatively common, up to 42% of peri-menopausal women and 54% of postmenopausal women report having palpitations. (I)

What should we do if we experience palpitations?

Are women rushing to the doctors in droves? Well, between 44%–87% of women aged 40–59 years believed their palpitations warranted medical treatment. However, currently there is no level 1 evidence to support managing menopause palpitations. (I)

This could be because palpitations in peri- and post-menopausal women, although common, are relatively understudied in comparison to hot flushes. These symptoms can also be normalised and/or trivialised like many other menopause symptoms. Historically these symptoms have mostly been attributed to anxiety and stress rather than cardiac causes.

This may well be the case but I for one am not impressed by the lack of curiosity about palpitations in peri and post menopausal women. My recommendation is “if in doubt get it checked out”!

Watch this enlightening conversation

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My thanks to my guests:

Dr Susan Baumgaertal: myMDadvocate

Jackie Whur Clinical: Hypnotherapist

Disclaimer: Please note that any advice we provide in this podcast is for information only, and if you are unsure of its suitability for your specific circumstances, you should consult your medical practitioner if you have any specific health concerns.


I Carpenter JS, Sheng Y, Pike C, Elomba CD, Alwine JS, Chen CX, Tisdale JE. Correlates of palpitations during menopause: A scoping review. Womens Health (Lond). 2022 Jan-Dec;18:17455057221112267. doi: 10.1177/17455057221112267. PMID: 35833667; PMCID: PMC9289918.

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