Included Video Libraries
Pilates for Midlife
All our Group Pilates Classes are designed to maximise midlife. We will improve muscle tone around the middle, help you stand up taller, improve your balance and strengthen muscle and bone. All our movements are underpinned by the Pilates Fundamentals of concentration, control and precision of movement.
Pilates for Beginners
This session is suitable for people who are new to Pilates or returning to Pilates after a break. We will learn the Pilates Fundamentals of breathing, body alignment and core engagement, adding small equipment with light hand weights, the Pilates soft ball and Phillipa’s favourite the resistance band! Modifications and Progressions are offered to allow you to work at a level suited to your own body.
Pilates for Improvers
Now you have grasped the fundamentals, let’s take it up a level with a more challenging and imaginative repertoire. We will strengthen, tone, improve posture and balance all in one hour harnessing body weight resistance and Pilates small equipment. Modifications and Progressions are offered to allow you to work at a level suited to your own body.
Suitable if you have prior Pilates experience.