This episode I am talking with Fiona Catchpowle the founder of Talking Periods. Why are we talking about periods when Peri-menopause ushers in the end of the monthly cycle? Menopause sits on the reproductive continuum that begins with Puberty and menstruation and ends with Menopause.
Fiona asks “… why don’t we talk about menopause? Is it because we don’t talk about menstruation? and so she on a mission to equip women with the knowledge that helps us all travel along the ‘hormonal highway’ with more aplomb.
Perhaps what we need to be asking is, HOW do we talk about periods? We will chew this over and discover more about the menstrual cycle and how it could shine a light on what is come approaching Menopause. Grab a cuppa and join us.
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Her Menstrual Health Made Easy self-care series is a combination of 12 mini podcasts (each less than 5 mins) and 17 one page info-graphics, available via a digital learning platform. There you will learn the essential information in bite-size pieces; you can listen, learn and then take action!
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