I am fascinated by the brain and the workings of the mind. My journey to know and understand myself is ongoing and I am highly aware of the ability of my brain to transport me to places I’d really rather not go! Mind management strategies are skills like any other and take practice.
Mindfulness teacher Sune Markowitz-Shulman and I are on a mission to share some simple tools and techniques that can assist us in getting to know ourselves and adopt more mindful approaches to living. This episode we chat about Non-Judgement.
We are all guilty of making snap judgements; judging someone based on their appearance (age, build, gender), performance or character etc. But we can also judge ourselves; often we are our own harshest critics and you may well be familiar with that automatic voice in our minds which tells us we are clumsy, stupid or weak for example. This judgement is usually based on events that are far away in our past which no longer serve us.
We can use mindfulness techniques to quell the voice in our mind and to keep us grounded in the present moment, become less reactive and live more fully in the present moment. Grab your ear buds and take a stroll or settle down with a cup of tea or a glass of wine, your choice non judging.
Disclaimer any advice you provide in this podcast is for information only, and if you are unsure of its suitability for your specific circumstances, you should consult your medical practitioner.