Fertility and Movement.

Fertility and Movement.

This episode I chat with Christiana T Johnson; a certified fitness and nutrition coach. Fertility challenges are not just the domain of women and Christiana works with couples from conception to post delivery. Christiana and I are passionate about the health benefits...
Move More as a Family!

Move More as a Family!

Is movement a daily habit for everyone in your household? Did you know that moving together strengthens family bonds? I was raised in a fit family and didn’t always love it at the time, but looking back it was definitely a gift. Health and wellness Coach Nikki...
Fitness, why bother?

Fitness, why bother?

This week the tables were turned and I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Graham Coath. Graham is passionate about wellness and we had a chat about fitness. What is fitness, Is it ever too late to get fit and how might we go about it . Graham is a hoot, so grab...
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