
Build Muscle at ANY AGE

by | Jun 15, 2023 | Moving Through Menopause Podcast, Podcasts

Build Muscle at and age with KAATSU

KAATSU, the pioneer of Blood Flow Restriction, can be used as a treatment to improve muscle strength or skin tone. It can also be used to increase joint range of motion and decrease pain levels at any age. Sound too good to be true? It’s NOT. Join me and Steven Munatones, CEO and Co-founder of KAATSU to get the lowdown!

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Thanks to my guest

Steven Munatones CEO and Co-founder of KAATSU

Steven Munatones had the goal of launching KAATSU globally. In 2014, his dream came true when he introduced KAATSU to the Department of Defence, NASA, CIA, FBI, dozens of NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL and MLS teams, and over 80 universities. Today, Steven has taught KAATSU applications and benefits to thousands including Navy SEALs and Olympic gold medalists as well as people in their 80’s and 90’s.

With KAATSU, Steven has been able to enable many different people from wounded warriors and paraplegics, to Olympic and professional athletes to rehabilitate more quickly, effectively and conveniently. He has seen KAATSU enable older, sedentary Baby Boomers to improve their blood circulation and muscle tone. After Steven experienced a widow-maker heart attack in 2016, he utilised KAATSU himself as cardiac therapy, proving his confidence in the blood flow restriction (BFR) modality.

Disclaimer: Please note that any advice we provide in this podcast is for information only. If you are unsure of its suitability for your specific circumstances, you should consult your medical practitioner if you have any specific health concerns.

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